Jessica Nardiello


Jessica is a Central Valley native, born and raised in Lindsay. Growing up in a predominately disenfranchised immigrant community had a tremendous impact on who Jessica is as a person. They have watched their community struggle to access education, transportation, healthcare, and adequate environmental justice. Her family and community in Lindsay shaped how she relates to these struggles, and why it is important to advocate for your human rights and basic needs.

From a young age, Jessica has been passionate about Social Justice and Civic Engagement, which they attribute to growing up queer and biracial.

Jessica first stepped into organizing during their time at UC Santa Barbara, where she studied Feminist Studies. Since 2021, Jessica has been involved in organizing and campaigns surrounding March for Our Lives, Cops Off Campus, the Eviction Protection Program, and Fund Our Futures. Above all else, Jessica believes people power and organizing are powerful and meaningful, and that it is one of the most impactful ways to create a fair and equitable future.